Top Turkey Dinner Gadgets

Posted by Laura S on

Cooking a big holiday meal like turkey dinner for Thanksgiving or Christmas is a full day project, but there are a couple tools and gadgets that are great to have on-hand. 

Meat Injection ToolMeat Injection Tool - Easily inject marinades and flavors into a turkey to add flavor

 Colander Strainers - great to have multiple sizes on-hand so you can wash a bunch of fruits and vegetables in one go. 

Flour Sifter and Pastry Blender - for the baker of the meal making fresh bread and pastries. 

Silicone Baking Mat - for all that Holiday cookie baking, having a non-stick that is easy to clean between batches. 

Wine Bottle Stoppers
Bottle Stoppers - to save an open bottle of wine, if any of course.   

Cleaning Scrub Brush - with stainless steel bristles for that extra elbow grease that is needed after a big meal. 

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